Good Practices, Tools and Reference Material

Explore the various good practices, tools and reference material shared by States and other Stakeholders towards improving the fairness, efficiency, adaptability and integrity of asylum systems globally.

To search and contribute to the collection of good practices on other thematic areas, visit the Good Practicespage on the GCR Digital Platform.

Zambia: Refugee self-service kiosk

In Zambia, the Office of the Commissioner for Refugees (COR), within the Ministry of Home Affairs and Internal Security, is the mandated government agency to deal with refugee matters. COR registers and documents asylum-seekers and refugees in its territory on arrival and maintains refugee data in Zambia.

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Asesoramiento y representación legal

Según la legislación brasileña, la Defensoría Pública de la Unión (DPU) es la institución creada para, entre otras responsabilidades, promover la más amplia defensa de los derechos fundamentales de las personas necesitadas, cubriendo sus derechos individuales, colectivos, sociales, económicos, culturales y ambientales, siendo admisible todo tipo de actuaciones capaces de brindar su adecuada y efectiva tutela.
Also available in English: Legal advice and representation

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Canada: Grupo de trabajo en materia de género

La Comisión de Inmigración y Refugiados del Canadá (IRB, por sus siglas en inglés) ha establecido un Grupo de Trabajo relacionado con el Género (GRTF, por las siglas en inglés de Gender Related Task Force) para mejorar aún más la calidad de la toma de decisiones en la División de Protección al Refugiado (RPD), órgano de determinación del estatuto de refugiado de primera instancia.

Also available in English: Gender taskforce

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Audiencias remotas

Tras el inicio de la pandemia, la Comisión de Inmigración y Refugiados (IRB, por sus siglas en inglés) adoptó una estrategia para reanudar sus actividades basada tanto en la protección de la salud de sus empleados como en las personas que asisten ante la Comisión, al tiempo que proporcionó acceso a la justicia. La estrategia incluye el uso de audiencias remotas.

Also available in English: Remote hearings

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Ecuador: Mejorando la gestión electrónica de casos a través de ProGres v4

Con el objeto de establecer procedimientos más eficientes que ayuden a mejorar el proceso de toma de decisiones, la Dirección de Protección Internacional (DPIN) del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Movilidad Humana con el Alto Comisionada de Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados han venido desarrollando el proyecto de…

Also available in English: Improving Electronic Case Management through ProGres v4 system

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Mexico: Otorgamiento de proteccion complementaria

La legislación mexicana contempla el otorgamiento de protección complementaria. Esta forma de protección internacional se otorga al extranjero que no ha sido reconocido como refugiado conforme la ley (la legislación mexicana contempla tanto la definición universal del término refugiado como la definición ampliada) cuando se considera que su devolución podría poner en riesgo su vida o se dejarlo en peligro de ser sometido a tortura u otros tratos o penas crueles, inhumanos o degradantes.

Also available in English: Granting complementary protection

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New UNHCR Paper on Effective Processing of Asylum Applications

There have been numerous challenges faced by national asylum systems over the past several years. The number of asylum applications has been consistently high, leading to increased pressures on the systems and mounting backlogs. Even in 2020, despite a historic drop in applications due to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and related restrictions, there were still almost 1.3 million individual asylum applications received in national asylum systems.

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What is a good practice or tool?

A good practice can broadly be defined as a successful innovation or experience that has repeatedly yielded positive impact in its application in a specific context, and therefore has the potential to be showcased, adapted and replicated by others in a similar context. Similarly, tools refer to resources or reference documents designed to guide or enable practitioners in carrying out a particular task.

What will a good practice or tool include?

Good Practices and tools will include successful initiatives, strategies, programs, projects, as well as resources/reference documents or technological solutions, that contribute to improving one or more of the fairness, efficiency, adaptability and integrity of an asylum system.

In addition, good practices and tools will usually contain several of the following elements:

  1. Identifies and addresses a concrete gap in the asylum system through the most effective, efficient and sustainable use of resources.
  2. Reinforces the rights and meaningful participation of asylum seekers and refugees in the asylum process.
  3. Has innovative features and the potential to be adapted, replicated or broadened in scale.
  4. Reflects progress made on GRF pledges or commitments and advances the goals of the Global Compact on Refugees (GCR).
  5. Contributes to longer and more sustainable development of national asylum/RSD capacity.
  6. Allows impact to be effectively measured e.g. by providing evidence-based results (quantitative/qualitative) or positive changes in status/trends as a result of applying the good practice/tool.

What are the benefits of sharing good practices and tools?

There are many reasons to collect and document good practices and tools, including the following:
  • Offers States and other stakeholders a way of showing progress towards the implementation of their GRF pledges on improving the functioning of the asylum system and their commitment towards the Global Compact on Refugees (GCR).
  • Provides an opportunity to showcase the innovative initiatives and technology that are adopted to respond to specific situations or gaps in asylum system.
  • Fosters learning, engagement and collaboration through replication, adaption or scaling up of successful good practices/tools, which is key in improving asylum systems and the protection space for refugees.
  • Highlights the different ways States and other stakeholders use resources effectively and efficiently in improving asylum systems.
  • Reduces duplication of efforts and ensures efficient use of time and resources. Why reinvent the wheel when one can build on already existing practices or tools?

Who can submit a good practice or tool?

Submissions can be made by a wide range of actors, including government officials at all levels, representatives from intergovernmental or international agencies, civil society organisations, academics, students, lawyers and judges, the private sector, communities and individuals. In short, anyone playing a role in improving the fairness, efficiency, adaptability and integrity of an asylum system.

How can good practices and tools be submitted?

Good practices and tools can be submitted using the online submission form.

The good practices, tools and/or reference material shared on this platform do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of UNHCR, the United Nations, its Member States or its employees. Any views expressed are solely those of the author or publisher. Should you have any comments or queries, or wish to bring to our attention any inaccuracies on the Portal, please contact [email protected]

Useful links


Refworld is UNHCR’s law and policy database providing access to relevant and high-quality information necessary in asylum decision making. It contains a vast collection of reports relating to situations in countries of origin, policy documents and positions, and documents relating to international and national legal frameworks. Refworld’s Quality Assurance Page also contains documents developed in the context of Quality Assurance projects/initiatives with national asylum authorities.

Global Compact on Refugees

The Global Compact on Refugees was affirmed by the United Nations General Assembly in 2018 and put in place a new comprehensive refugee response model based on predictable, equitable responsibility-sharing arrangements and international cooperation. To read about the Global compact and to see the full list of pledges and good practices shared at the first Global Refugee Forum in December 2019 and beyond, visit the Digital Platform for the Global Compact on Refugees.

European Country of Origin Information Network ( is the country of origin information system of the Austrian Red Cross’ department ACCORD and aims at contributing to fair and efficient refugee status determination procedures. It provides easy and fast access to high-quality and up-to-date country of origin information (COI) for all actors involved in the asylum cases.

Global Refugee Forum

Guided by the Global Compact on Refugees, the first Global Refugee Forum was held in December 2019 in Geneva, Switzerland. A high-level meeting that brought the international community together to demonstrate solidarity with the world’s refugees and their host communities. For more information on the first Global Refugee Forum, visit the 2019 Global Refugee Forum page.


UNHCR is not responsible for the content of external internet sites listed here or cited elsewhere within this Portal.