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Results for: Americas/Caribbean

Brazil: Remote interviews

To ensure continuity of refugee status determination (RSD) procedures in Brazil during the COVID-19 pandemic, the General-Coordination of the National Committee for Refugees (CG-Conare) implemented measures to strengthen the use of remote eligibility interviews, via the Microsoft Teams app, which CG-Conare had already been using since 2015.

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Asesoramiento y representación legal

Según la legislación brasileña, la Defensoría Pública de la Unión (DPU) es la institución creada para, entre otras responsabilidades, promover la más amplia defensa de los derechos fundamentales de las personas necesitadas, cubriendo sus derechos individuales, colectivos, sociales, económicos, culturales y ambientales, siendo admisible todo tipo de actuaciones capaces de brindar su adecuada y efectiva tutela.
Also available in English: Legal advice and representation

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Brazil: Legal advice and representation

According to the Brazilian legislation, the Federal Public Defender´s Office (DPU) is the institution created to, among other responsibilities, promote the broadest defense of the fundamental rights of people in need, including their individual, collective, social, economic, cultural and environmental rights, and to support all kinds of actions capable of providing adequate and effective protection.

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Canada: Grupo de trabajo en materia de género

La Comisión de Inmigración y Refugiados del Canadá (IRB, por sus siglas en inglés) ha establecido un Grupo de Trabajo relacionado con el Género (GRTF, por las siglas en inglés de Gender Related Task Force) para mejorar aún más la calidad de la toma de decisiones en la División de Protección al Refugiado (RPD), órgano de determinación del estatuto de refugiado de primera instancia.

Also available in English: Gender taskforce

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Audiencias remotas

Tras el inicio de la pandemia, la Comisión de Inmigración y Refugiados (IRB, por sus siglas en inglés) adoptó una estrategia para reanudar sus actividades basada tanto en la protección de la salud de sus empleados como en las personas que asisten ante la Comisión, al tiempo que proporcionó acceso a la justicia. La estrategia incluye el uso de audiencias remotas.

Also available in English: Remote hearings

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Ecuador: Mejorando la gestión electrónica de casos a través de ProGres v4

Con el objeto de establecer procedimientos más eficientes que ayuden a mejorar el proceso de toma de decisiones, la Dirección de Protección Internacional (DPIN) del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Movilidad Humana con el Alto Comisionada de Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados han venido desarrollando el proyecto de…

Also available in English: Improving Electronic Case Management through ProGres v4 system

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Mexico: Otorgamiento de proteccion complementaria

La legislación mexicana contempla el otorgamiento de protección complementaria. Esta forma de protección internacional se otorga al extranjero que no ha sido reconocido como refugiado conforme la ley (la legislación mexicana contempla tanto la definición universal del término refugiado como la definición ampliada) cuando se considera que su devolución podría poner en riesgo su vida o se dejarlo en peligro de ser sometido a tortura u otros tratos o penas crueles, inhumanos o degradantes.

Also available in English: Granting complementary protection

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1. Establecer programas de cooperación Sur-Sur con al menos 5 países de la región con el objetivo de desarrollar herramientas de protección y de procedimientos de determinación de la condición de refugiado con altos estándares internacionales, a más tardar durante el año 2021. 2. Extender las...

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Canada: Gender taskforce

The Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada (IRB) established a Gender Related Task Force (GRTF) to further enhance the quality of decision-making at the Refugee Protection Division (RPD), the first-instance refugee status determination (RSD) body in Canada. The creation of the GRTF is in keeping with the IRB’s proud history of being a global leader in developing guidelines on how best to conduct hearings for asylum-seekers raising gender-related issues.

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Canada: Remote hearings

Following the onset of the pandemic, the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) adopted a business resumption strategy based on both protecting the health of its employees and those who appeared before the Board, while providing access to justice to the extent possible. The strategy included the use of remote hearings.

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1. Expediting and streamlining processing of refugee status applications, by reducing the backlog of applications through the restructuring of internal processes and the increase in human resources, as well as the development of technical tools and continuous training plans for public officials at...

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1. Eficiencia en el registro, procesamiento de solicitudes y coordinación interinstitucional para documentación de calidad que asegure acceso a derechos; Este componente tiene tres enfoques principales: fortalecimiento, eficiencia y digitalización del proceso de registro y manejo de casos; esquema...

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Fortalecer las capacidades de identificación de personas con necesidades de protección internacional; Desarrollo de talleres regionales sobre protección internacional Gestión de intercambio de buenas prácticas con otros países Fortalecimiento de capacidades de los integrantes de la Comisión de...

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1. Strengthening RSD procedure; The Ecuadorian state, within the framework of the LOHM, its secondary regulation and by the signature of the Interinstitutional Cooperation Agreement between the MFAHM of the Republic of Ecuador – and the UNHCR, for the strengthening of the refugee status...

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Fortalecer la Dirección General de Migración/Instituto Guatemalteco de Migración en temas de atención y protección; La Dirección General de Migración/Instituto Guatemalteco de Migración- IGM- con la aprobación del Reglamento para la Protección, Determinación y Reconocimiento del Estatuto de...

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El Salvador

Strengthening of protection and solutions mechanisms at the national level for the attention of internally displaced persons, deported persons with protection needs, refugees and asylum seekers; In order to mitigate the impact of forced displacement, this contribution includes the establishment of...

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Costa Rica

Medida complementaria para la documentación de las poblaciones migrantes que no obtienen la condición de refugiado en Costa Rica; Dentro de las dinámicas migratorias, los Estados constantemente enfrentan situaciones donde su campo de acción se ve limitado por aspectos legales, cuando un...

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Asylum capacity-building: Since 2015, Canada has participated in asylum capacity building activities in the Americas, focusing on Mexico. Canada is continuing asylum capacity building projects in Mexico and will explore expanding this work to other countries identified by the United Nations...

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1. Sharing the Brazilian eligibility processing system; Brazil commits to offering technical cooperation to countries interested in implementing eligibility processing systems based on the Brazilian "SISCONARE" platform.  2. Strengthening of the Brazilian eligibility processing system; Brazil...

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1. Belize shall display protection information advising on the right to seek asylum in Belize at border entry points; To ensure protection seekers can effectively access their rights, Belize pledges to provide clear and comprehensive information sets at all points of entry to Belize where asylum...

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Ecuador: Improving electronic case management through ProGres v4 system

In order to establish efficient procedures and improve its decision-making process, the Directorate of International Protection (DPIN) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Human Mobility together with UNHCR developed a project “Strengthening Administrative Processes for refugee status determination (RSD) in Ecuador”. One of the immediate aspects to be strengthened as part of this project was Ecuador’s electronic case registration and case management system.

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Uruguay: Remote asylum applications

Uruguay’s 2006 Law No. 18.076 on refugees led to the establishment of the Refugee Commission (CORE), the state body in charge of refugee status determination (RSD) in Uruguay. The Permanent Secretariat of CORE is the body in charge of receiving and analyzing asylum applications in the country.

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Uruguay: Provisional document for asylum-seekers

In Uruguay, the Permanent Secretariat of the Refugee Commission (CORE) is the state body in charge of processing applications for refugee status in accordance with the 2006 Law No. 18.076 on refugees. Since 2015, it is required that when individuals request for recognition of refugee status with CORE, they file for a provisional identity card with the National Civil Identification Directorate (DNIC)

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Mexico: Simplified procedures

The Mexican Commission for Refugee Assistance (COMAR), the body responsible for refugee status determination (RSD), implements procedures applying the broader definition proposed by the Cartagena Declaration with a view to a more agile, efficient, and quality procedure.

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Mexico: Merged procedures and application of the broader refugee definition

The Mexican Commission for Refugee Assistance (COMAR) implements merged procedures applying the expanded definition proposed by the Cartagena Declaration, with a view to implementing a more agile, efficient and quality refugee status determination (RSD) procedures. These procedures speed up the registration and eligibility stages for certain profiles of applicants in vulnerable conditions and with a high inclusion rate.

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Mexico: Expedited procedures

In 2019, Mexico received 70,431 applications for recognition of refugee status. The top three nationalities of applicants were Honduras (30,283), El Salvador (9,079) and Cuba (8,732). In mid-2019, Mexico began to receive an unusual number of Haitians who made a request for recognition of refugee status with the Mexican Commission for Refugee Assistance (COMAR).

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Mexico: Creation of COI unit

In July 2020, a Country of Origin Information Unit (hereinafter U-COI) within the Protection and Return Directorate of the Mexican Commission for Refugee Assistance (COMAR) was created with the aim of supporting protection officers in the refugee status determination (RSD) procedure and facilitate decision making.

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Mexico: Granting complementary protection

Mexican legislation provides for the granting of complementary protection. This form of international protection is granted to a foreigner who has not been recognized as a refugee according to the law (Mexican law provides for both the universal definition of the term refugee and the expanded definition) but it is considered that their return could put their life at risk or could leave them in danger of being subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment.

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Canada: The short-hearing and file-review processes

The Immigration and Refugee board of Canada (IRB) is committed to resolving cases simply, efficiently, and fairly. In doing so, it seeks to allocate the appropriate level of resources to the matter being decided. The IRB’s Refugee Protection Division (RPD), the first-instance refugee status determination (RSD) body in Canada has two separate processes for finalizing less complex claims..

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