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Results for: 2019


1. Establecer programas de cooperación Sur-Sur con al menos 5 países de la región con el objetivo de desarrollar herramientas de protección y de procedimientos de determinación de la condición de refugiado con altos estándares internacionales, a más tardar durante el año 2021. 2. Extender las...

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University of Bergen (Norway)

Identifying the Best Institutional Architectures in Governance of the Right to International Protection in Europe and Their Transferability to Other Regions; We identify the institutional architectures of asylum determination that advance the human rights of asylum seekers. Asylum decision-making...

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Economic and Monetary Community of Central Africa (CEMAC)

Amélioration de l’accès à la justice des minorités, groupes vulnérables, réfugiés et personnes déplacées; La Commission de la CEMAC s’engage à soutenir ses États Membres dans les efforts propres à garantir l’accès à la justice pour les réfugiés et les personnes déplacées. Elle entend...

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East African Community (EAC)

EAC Pledge/Commitment on making the Global Compact on Refugees work for every child during the spotlight session preceding the 1st Global Refugee Forum; Building on the ongoing actions, and guided by UNHCR in partnership with the various partners especially UNICEF, Save the Children, the African...

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Professor Zachary Steel and Mr Guy Coffey

Assisting and understanding psychologically vulnerable applicants in the refugee status determination process; We pledge to contribute to the strengthening of national asylum procedures, specifically in relation to the response to psychologically vulnerable asylum-seekers in the refugee status...

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St John of God Program in Trauma and Mental Health

We pledge to contribute to the strengthening of national asylum procedures, specifically in relation to the response to psychologically vulnerable asylum-seekers in the refugee status determination process by ensuring that such procedures operate with fairness, efficiency, adaptability and...

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Office of the Public Defender of Georgia

Monitoring of refugee status determination procedures/individual cases and court hearings/individual cases of rejected asylum seekers; To continue monitoring of refugee status determination procedures/individual cases and court hearing/individual cases in order to handle individual complaints and...

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European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE)

Promoting compliance with asylum legislation through research and legal support; ECRE provides thorough and authoritative analysis of EU asylum law with a particular focus on the implementation and reform of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS) as part of the Asylum Information Database...

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1. Strengthening the asylum system; The Government of Zimbabwe hereby commits to improve the asylum process.  By 2021, establish a national data management system, construct reception centres at major entry points and strengthen the Refugee Status Determination procedures.  2....

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Mise en place d'un Bureau des apatrides et réfugiés; Le Ministère de la Sécurité Publique s'engage à mettre en place avec la collaboration des autres départements ministeriels et l'appui technique et financié du Haut Commissariat pour les Réfugiés, et l'appui technique d'un ou de pays francophones...

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Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)

La RDC a mis en place un systeme simplifie de determination du statut des refugies qui a permis cette annee la reconnaissance, selon les 2 conventions de 1951 et de l'OUA, de 41.243 personnes, toutes nationalites confondues. The DRC has set up a simplified system for determining the status of...

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1. Strengthening the asylum system; The Government of Angola pledges to re-establish regular meetings of the National Commission for Refugees (CNR), with representatives from all relevant Ministries as established by law.  2. Registration and documentation; The Government of Angola pledges to...

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Nigeria pledges to strengthen its protection capacity; Nigeria pledges to strengthen the protection environment by ensuring the integrity of the asylum system in line with international legal instruments and freedom of movement for refugees, IDPs and returnees; maintaining its open-door policy;...

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Garantir léffectivité du système d'asile au Niger par la réforme du cadre normatif et procedural; Epicentre des mouvements migratoires en Afrique de l'ouest et situé à la lisière de conflits affectant durablement les populaitons limitrophes, le Niger s'est engagé en faveur d'une politique...

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1. Réforme du cadre normative; Le gouvernement du Mali s’engage à : Adopter une législation pour domestiquer la Convention de Kampala sur la protection, l’assistance et les solutions aux problèmes des déplacés internes au Mali, de revoir le système d'asile en vue du renforcement du processus...

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Adopter la loi d’asile et transposer la Convention de Kampala dans la législation nationale; La République du Tchad est signataire de la Convention de Genève de 1951 portant statut des réfugiés et de la Convention de l’OUA de 1969 relative aux aspects propres aux réfugiés en Afrique. Cependant, le...

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1. The United Republic of Tanzania pledges to ensure that asylum seekers have access to fair, efficient and transparent process of refugee status determination.  2. The United Republic of Tanzania pledges to continue to allow access to its territory to all persons facing persecution as...

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Strengthening of institutions and community structures that manage asylum, deliver services and provide security in refugee-hosting areas; Subject to adequate international support, the Government of Kenya will continue to strengthen institutions and community structures that manage asylum,...

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Strengthening the Government of Ethiopia’s Asylum System and Social Protection Capacity; In line with existing related commitments, this pledge aims to strengthen the overall protection capacity of relevant government entities with particular focus on enhancing social protection and asylum systems...

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1. Prepare the bill on the right to asylum for its adoption by 2020; In order to strengthen the governance for refugees and host communities, the Islamic Republic of Mauritania undertakes to prepare the bill on the right to asylum for its adoption by 2020.  2. Register refugees and issue them...

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To enhance capacity-building of officers involved in implementing the national screening system to differentiate persons in need of international protection from those seeking economic opportunities. 

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Republic of Korea

Strengthening the National Capacity for Protecting Refugees; As the first Asian country to enact a stand-alone refugee act in 2013, Korea has made continuous efforts to support the capacity building of its institutions and workforce for refugee status determination (RSD). To this end, the ROK...

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1. To enhance policy, legal, and operational framework to ensure full access to rights of refugees as guaranteed by the 1951 Refugee Convention; The Philippines has a generally favorable protection environment for refugees and asylum seekers, but there are measures that may be taken by...

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New Zealand

Support protection capacity within the Pacific region; Working with the UNHCR and Pacific States to support Pacific States to develop and strengthen their asylum systems and protection capacity. This support will be undertaken through the Asylum Capacity Support Group; and In-line with existing...

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La Suisse s’engage à améliorer la procédure de reconnaissance et la protection des réfugiés sur son sol. A cet effet, la Suisse a restructuré son domaine d’asile afin de permettre de mener des procédures plus efficaces et rapides. Les nouvelles procédures sont entrées en vigueur dans toute la...

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With regard to strengthening asylum systems, Sweden has long experience from twinning projects and other asylum support arrangements. We intend to continue sharing our experience as well as supporting and participating in projects in order to strengthen asylum systems where needed. Sweden is...

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1. Providing national experts and expertise; Providing national experts and expertise to enhance the capacity of host governments to respond effectively and efficiently, particularly in situation of refugees influx, in coordination with EASO and/or other projects in order to avoid overlapping. The...

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Mechanism for early warning and emergency preparedness or mass influx of refugees and migrants established; The Republic of Serbia has established a system of coordination for the regular preparation and updating of the Response Plan in the event of a massive influx of refugees. The plan is...

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1.Develop an adequate strategy to upgrade asylum capacity; Under the different programmes Portugal has so far received over 2100 refugees. Will be an objective to develop an adequate strategy to upgrade asylum capacity in Portugal.  2. Strengthen the Refugee Status Determination system; To...

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North Macedonia

Strengthen asylum case management, through upgrading asylum module of the database for aliens to increase capacity for protection of asylum-seekers and persons under international protection in the country; Demonstrating determination to further improve asylum case-management, while increasing...

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1. Increase of the reception capacity in Montenegro according to standards and in a protection sensitive way; Since mid-2017, the Montenegrin reception capacity has been exceeded on several occasions. The Government has responded by renting additional accommodation facilities from a private...

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Extension of the validity of the temporary identity documents issued to asylum-seekers; The Republic of Moldova pledges to amend its legislation by 2021 to ensure that the validity of the temporary identity documents of asylum-seekers is extended. 

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Review of quality control mechanisms within Malta's Office of the Commissioner for Refugees; Undertake a review of quality control mechanisms within the Office of the Commissioner for Refugees. 

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1. Further improvement and alignment of national legal framework related to international protection with well-established international standards; Being signatory to the 1951 Convention and/or 1967 Protocol, as well as relevant regional instruments, Georgia has enhanced its national legislation...

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Support the Asylum Capacity Support Group (ACSG); Denmark supports the establishment of the Asylum Capacity Support Group and wishes to contribute to the mechanism both financially and with technical support. Denmark stresses the importance of cooperation with states that express a need for...

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1. Expediting and streamlining processing of refugee status applications, by reducing the backlog of applications through the restructuring of internal processes and the increase in human resources, as well as the development of technical tools and continuous training plans for public officials at...

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1. Eficiencia en el registro, procesamiento de solicitudes y coordinación interinstitucional para documentación de calidad que asegure acceso a derechos; Este componente tiene tres enfoques principales: fortalecimiento, eficiencia y digitalización del proceso de registro y manejo de casos; esquema...

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Fortalecer las capacidades de identificación de personas con necesidades de protección internacional; Desarrollo de talleres regionales sobre protección internacional Gestión de intercambio de buenas prácticas con otros países Fortalecimiento de capacidades de los integrantes de la Comisión de...

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1. Strengthening RSD procedure; The Ecuadorian state, within the framework of the LOHM, its secondary regulation and by the signature of the Interinstitutional Cooperation Agreement between the MFAHM of the Republic of Ecuador – and the UNHCR, for the strengthening of the refugee status...

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Fortalecer la Dirección General de Migración/Instituto Guatemalteco de Migración en temas de atención y protección; La Dirección General de Migración/Instituto Guatemalteco de Migración- IGM- con la aprobación del Reglamento para la Protección, Determinación y Reconocimiento del Estatuto de...

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El Salvador

Strengthening of protection and solutions mechanisms at the national level for the attention of internally displaced persons, deported persons with protection needs, refugees and asylum seekers; In order to mitigate the impact of forced displacement, this contribution includes the establishment of...

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Costa Rica

Medida complementaria para la documentación de las poblaciones migrantes que no obtienen la condición de refugiado en Costa Rica; Dentro de las dinámicas migratorias, los Estados constantemente enfrentan situaciones donde su campo de acción se ve limitado por aspectos legales, cuando un...

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Asylum capacity-building: Since 2015, Canada has participated in asylum capacity building activities in the Americas, focusing on Mexico. Canada is continuing asylum capacity building projects in Mexico and will explore expanding this work to other countries identified by the United Nations...

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1. Sharing the Brazilian eligibility processing system; Brazil commits to offering technical cooperation to countries interested in implementing eligibility processing systems based on the Brazilian "SISCONARE" platform.  2. Strengthening of the Brazilian eligibility processing system; Brazil...

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1. Belize shall display protection information advising on the right to seek asylum in Belize at border entry points; To ensure protection seekers can effectively access their rights, Belize pledges to provide clear and comprehensive information sets at all points of entry to Belize where asylum...

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