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Results for: Legislative & Regulatory Framework

Brazil: Remote interviews

To ensure continuity of refugee status determination (RSD) procedures in Brazil during the COVID-19 pandemic, the General-Coordination of the National Committee for Refugees (CG-Conare) implemented measures to strengthen the use of remote eligibility interviews, via the Microsoft Teams app, which CG-Conare had already been using since 2015.

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Chad – France

[Under discussion]

The Government of France through the coordination of the Office for the Protection of Refugees and Stateless Persons (OFPRA) has indicated that it is interested to discuss support for Chad’s National Eligibility Commission (CNE) to strengthen its asylum system and pursue asylum capacity strengthening efforts

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Mexico: Otorgamiento de proteccion complementaria

La legislación mexicana contempla el otorgamiento de protección complementaria. Esta forma de protección internacional se otorga al extranjero que no ha sido reconocido como refugiado conforme la ley (la legislación mexicana contempla tanto la definición universal del término refugiado como la definición ampliada) cuando se considera que su devolución podría poner en riesgo su vida o se dejarlo en peligro de ser sometido a tortura u otros tratos o penas crueles, inhumanos o degradantes.

Also available in English: Granting complementary protection

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East African Community (EAC)

EAC Pledge/Commitment on making the Global Compact on Refugees work for every child during the spotlight session preceding the 1st Global Refugee Forum; Building on the ongoing actions, and guided by UNHCR in partnership with the various partners especially UNICEF, Save the Children, the African...

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1. Strengthening the asylum system; The Government of Zimbabwe hereby commits to improve the asylum process.  By 2021, establish a national data management system, construct reception centres at major entry points and strengthen the Refugee Status Determination procedures.  2....

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Nigeria pledges to strengthen its protection capacity; Nigeria pledges to strengthen the protection environment by ensuring the integrity of the asylum system in line with international legal instruments and freedom of movement for refugees, IDPs and returnees; maintaining its open-door policy;...

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Garantir léffectivité du système d'asile au Niger par la réforme du cadre normatif et procedural; Epicentre des mouvements migratoires en Afrique de l'ouest et situé à la lisière de conflits affectant durablement les populaitons limitrophes, le Niger s'est engagé en faveur d'une politique...

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1. Réforme du cadre normative; Le gouvernement du Mali s’engage à : Adopter une législation pour domestiquer la Convention de Kampala sur la protection, l’assistance et les solutions aux problèmes des déplacés internes au Mali, de revoir le système d'asile en vue du renforcement du processus...

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Adopter la loi d’asile et transposer la Convention de Kampala dans la législation nationale; La République du Tchad est signataire de la Convention de Genève de 1951 portant statut des réfugiés et de la Convention de l’OUA de 1969 relative aux aspects propres aux réfugiés en Afrique. Cependant, le...

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Strengthening the Government of Ethiopia’s Asylum System and Social Protection Capacity; In line with existing related commitments, this pledge aims to strengthen the overall protection capacity of relevant government entities with particular focus on enhancing social protection and asylum systems...

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1. Prepare the bill on the right to asylum for its adoption by 2020; In order to strengthen the governance for refugees and host communities, the Islamic Republic of Mauritania undertakes to prepare the bill on the right to asylum for its adoption by 2020.  2. Register refugees and issue them...

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1. To enhance policy, legal, and operational framework to ensure full access to rights of refugees as guaranteed by the 1951 Refugee Convention; The Philippines has a generally favorable protection environment for refugees and asylum seekers, but there are measures that may be taken by...

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La Suisse s’engage à améliorer la procédure de reconnaissance et la protection des réfugiés sur son sol. A cet effet, la Suisse a restructuré son domaine d’asile afin de permettre de mener des procédures plus efficaces et rapides. Les nouvelles procédures sont entrées en vigueur dans toute la...

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Extension of the validity of the temporary identity documents issued to asylum-seekers; The Republic of Moldova pledges to amend its legislation by 2021 to ensure that the validity of the temporary identity documents of asylum-seekers is extended. 

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1. Further improvement and alignment of national legal framework related to international protection with well-established international standards; Being signatory to the 1951 Convention and/or 1967 Protocol, as well as relevant regional instruments, Georgia has enhanced its national legislation...

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France – Niger

The French government through its Office for the Protection of Refugees and Stateless Persons (OFPRA),Council of State and National Court of Asylum (CNDA), in conjunction with the Ministry of the Interior (Directorate of Foreigners in France, DGEF) and the United Nations Directorate of the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE), will support Niger through its General Directorate of the Civil Registry, Migration and Refugees and Ministry of Interior (DGEC-M-R)

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Denmark – Kenya

The Government of Denmark, through the Special Envoy on Migration in the inter-ministerial migration task force, and the Government of Kenya through its Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government, have agreed to collaborate to strengthen Kenya’s asylum institutions as part of a project implemented within the framework of the Asylum Capacity Support Group (ACSG) Mechanism.

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1. Strengthening RSD procedure; The Ecuadorian state, within the framework of the LOHM, its secondary regulation and by the signature of the Interinstitutional Cooperation Agreement between the MFAHM of the Republic of Ecuador – and the UNHCR, for the strengthening of the refugee status...

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Mexico: Granting complementary protection

Mexican legislation provides for the granting of complementary protection. This form of international protection is granted to a foreigner who has not been recognized as a refugee according to the law (Mexican law provides for both the universal definition of the term refugee and the expanded definition) but it is considered that their return could put their life at risk or could leave them in danger of being subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment.

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