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Results for: Europe

Georgia – North Macedonia & Tajikistan

At the 2019 Global Refugee Forum, the Government of Georgia committed to share its experience and knowledge with interested countries within the scope of Asylum Capacity Support Group (ACSG) notably on issues of establishing refugee status determination (RSD) procedures, country of origin (COI) research capacity and quality assurance mechanism.

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Chad – France

[Under discussion]

The Government of France through the coordination of the Office for the Protection of Refugees and Stateless Persons (OFPRA) has indicated that it is interested to discuss support for Chad’s National Eligibility Commission (CNE) to strengthen its asylum system and pursue asylum capacity strengthening efforts

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Support to the Asylum Capacity Support Group: In line with its comprehensive agenda on migration, NL is actively looking to support efforts focused on improving reception and protection in regions hosting large numbers of refugees and displaced persons. Therefore, NL supports the establishment of...

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University of Bergen (Norway)

Identifying the Best Institutional Architectures in Governance of the Right to International Protection in Europe and Their Transferability to Other Regions; We identify the institutional architectures of asylum determination that advance the human rights of asylum seekers. Asylum decision-making...

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Office of the Public Defender of Georgia

Monitoring of refugee status determination procedures/individual cases and court hearings/individual cases of rejected asylum seekers; To continue monitoring of refugee status determination procedures/individual cases and court hearing/individual cases in order to handle individual complaints and...

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European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE)

Promoting compliance with asylum legislation through research and legal support; ECRE provides thorough and authoritative analysis of EU asylum law with a particular focus on the implementation and reform of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS) as part of the Asylum Information Database...

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La Suisse s’engage à améliorer la procédure de reconnaissance et la protection des réfugiés sur son sol. A cet effet, la Suisse a restructuré son domaine d’asile afin de permettre de mener des procédures plus efficaces et rapides. Les nouvelles procédures sont entrées en vigueur dans toute la...

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With regard to strengthening asylum systems, Sweden has long experience from twinning projects and other asylum support arrangements. We intend to continue sharing our experience as well as supporting and participating in projects in order to strengthen asylum systems where needed. Sweden is...

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1. Providing national experts and expertise; Providing national experts and expertise to enhance the capacity of host governments to respond effectively and efficiently, particularly in situation of refugees influx, in coordination with EASO and/or other projects in order to avoid overlapping. The...

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Mechanism for early warning and emergency preparedness or mass influx of refugees and migrants established; The Republic of Serbia has established a system of coordination for the regular preparation and updating of the Response Plan in the event of a massive influx of refugees. The plan is...

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1.Develop an adequate strategy to upgrade asylum capacity; Under the different programmes Portugal has so far received over 2100 refugees. Will be an objective to develop an adequate strategy to upgrade asylum capacity in Portugal.  2. Strengthen the Refugee Status Determination system; To...

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North Macedonia

Strengthen asylum case management, through upgrading asylum module of the database for aliens to increase capacity for protection of asylum-seekers and persons under international protection in the country; Demonstrating determination to further improve asylum case-management, while increasing...

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1. Increase of the reception capacity in Montenegro according to standards and in a protection sensitive way; Since mid-2017, the Montenegrin reception capacity has been exceeded on several occasions. The Government has responded by renting additional accommodation facilities from a private...

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Extension of the validity of the temporary identity documents issued to asylum-seekers; The Republic of Moldova pledges to amend its legislation by 2021 to ensure that the validity of the temporary identity documents of asylum-seekers is extended. 

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Review of quality control mechanisms within Malta's Office of the Commissioner for Refugees; Undertake a review of quality control mechanisms within the Office of the Commissioner for Refugees. 

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1. Further improvement and alignment of national legal framework related to international protection with well-established international standards; Being signatory to the 1951 Convention and/or 1967 Protocol, as well as relevant regional instruments, Georgia has enhanced its national legislation...

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Support the Asylum Capacity Support Group (ACSG); Denmark supports the establishment of the Asylum Capacity Support Group and wishes to contribute to the mechanism both financially and with technical support. Denmark stresses the importance of cooperation with states that express a need for...

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France – Niger

The French government through its Office for the Protection of Refugees and Stateless Persons (OFPRA),Council of State and National Court of Asylum (CNDA), in conjunction with the Ministry of the Interior (Directorate of Foreigners in France, DGEF) and the United Nations Directorate of the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE), will support Niger through its General Directorate of the Civil Registry, Migration and Refugees and Ministry of Interior (DGEC-M-R)

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Denmark – Kenya

The Government of Denmark, through the Special Envoy on Migration in the inter-ministerial migration task force, and the Government of Kenya through its Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government, have agreed to collaborate to strengthen Kenya’s asylum institutions as part of a project implemented within the framework of the Asylum Capacity Support Group (ACSG) Mechanism.

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