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Results for: COVID-19

Brazil: Remote interviews

To ensure continuity of refugee status determination (RSD) procedures in Brazil during the COVID-19 pandemic, the General-Coordination of the National Committee for Refugees (CG-Conare) implemented measures to strengthen the use of remote eligibility interviews, via the Microsoft Teams app, which CG-Conare had already been using since 2015.

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Audiencias remotas

Tras el inicio de la pandemia, la Comisión de Inmigración y Refugiados (IRB, por sus siglas en inglés) adoptó una estrategia para reanudar sus actividades basada tanto en la protección de la salud de sus empleados como en las personas que asisten ante la Comisión, al tiempo que proporcionó acceso a la justicia. La estrategia incluye el uso de audiencias remotas.

Also available in English: Remote hearings

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Canada: Remote hearings

Following the onset of the pandemic, the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB) adopted a business resumption strategy based on both protecting the health of its employees and those who appeared before the Board, while providing access to justice to the extent possible. The strategy included the use of remote hearings.

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