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Results for: Southern Africa

Zambia: Refugee self-service kiosk

In Zambia, the Office of the Commissioner for Refugees (COR), within the Ministry of Home Affairs and Internal Security, is the mandated government agency to deal with refugee matters. COR registers and documents asylum-seekers and refugees in its territory on arrival and maintains refugee data in Zambia.

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Pledge to strengthen the re-established Refuge Status Determination process in the Kingdom of Eswatini: The Kingdom of Eswatini pledges to conduct the following in the strengthening of the re-established national Refugee Status Determination (RSD) process. 1.1 To undertake a self-assessment that...

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South Africa

South Africa's Intent to resolve the backlog in refugee status determination and promote durable solutions for deserving asylum seekers and refugees; The pledge relates to the Refugee Status Determination Backlog Elimination Project (Backlog Project) and the Pledge is to indicate the Government of...

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1. Strengthening the asylum system; The Government of Zimbabwe hereby commits to improve the asylum process.  By 2021, establish a national data management system, construct reception centres at major entry points and strengthen the Refugee Status Determination procedures.  2....

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Mise en place d'un Bureau des apatrides et réfugiés; Le Ministère de la Sécurité Publique s'engage à mettre en place avec la collaboration des autres départements ministeriels et l'appui technique et financié du Haut Commissariat pour les Réfugiés, et l'appui technique d'un ou de pays francophones...

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Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)

La RDC a mis en place un systeme simplifie de determination du statut des refugies qui a permis cette annee la reconnaissance, selon les 2 conventions de 1951 et de l'OUA, de 41.243 personnes, toutes nationalites confondues. The DRC has set up a simplified system for determining the status of...

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1. Strengthening the asylum system; The Government of Angola pledges to re-establish regular meetings of the National Commission for Refugees (CNR), with representatives from all relevant Ministries as established by law.  2. Registration and documentation; The Government of Angola pledges to...

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