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Results for: Human Resources


Pledge to strengthen the re-established Refuge Status Determination process in the Kingdom of Eswatini: The Kingdom of Eswatini pledges to conduct the following in the strengthening of the re-established national Refugee Status Determination (RSD) process. 1.1 To undertake a self-assessment that...

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With regard to strengthening asylum systems, Sweden has long experience from twinning projects and other asylum support arrangements. We intend to continue sharing our experience as well as supporting and participating in projects in order to strengthen asylum systems where needed. Sweden is...

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1. Providing national experts and expertise; Providing national experts and expertise to enhance the capacity of host governments to respond effectively and efficiently, particularly in situation of refugees influx, in coordination with EASO and/or other projects in order to avoid overlapping. The...

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Denmark – Kenya

The Government of Denmark, through the Special Envoy on Migration in the inter-ministerial migration task force, and the Government of Kenya through its Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government, have agreed to collaborate to strengthen Kenya’s asylum institutions as part of a project implemented within the framework of the Asylum Capacity Support Group (ACSG) Mechanism.

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1. Eficiencia en el registro, procesamiento de solicitudes y coordinación interinstitucional para documentación de calidad que asegure acceso a derechos; Este componente tiene tres enfoques principales: fortalecimiento, eficiencia y digitalización del proceso de registro y manejo de casos; esquema...

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Fortalecer la Dirección General de Migración/Instituto Guatemalteco de Migración en temas de atención y protección; La Dirección General de Migración/Instituto Guatemalteco de Migración- IGM- con la aprobación del Reglamento para la Protección, Determinación y Reconocimiento del Estatuto de...

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