In Zambia, the Office of the Commissioner for Refugees (COR), within the Ministry of Home Affairs and Internal Security, is the mandated government agency to deal with refugee matters. COR registers and documents asylum-seekers and refugees in its territory on arrival and maintains refugee data in Zambia.
Brazil: Mejorar el registro electrónico y la gestión de casos a través de Sisconare
El Sistema del Comité Nacional para os Refugiados (Sisconare) es la plataforma digital en línea utilizada por el Conare para registrar y procesar las solicitudes de reconocimiento de la condición de refugiado en Brasil.
Also available in English: Improving electronic registration and case management through Sisconare
Brazil: Improving electronic registration and case management through Sisconare
Sisconare is an online digital platform used by Brazil’s National Committee for Refugees (Conare), as a registration and case management system. It is used by Conare and the Federal Police, to enable asylum-seekers to register their information, receive notifications, monitor the progress of their applications, and keep their personal data updated.
Mexico: Registration Centre in Tapachula, Chiapas
The Mexican Commission for Refugee Aid (COMAR), in coordination with local authorities and UNHCR support, has strengthened its response capacity in recent years to register and process cases of people in need of international protection, given the gradual increase in the number of asylum applications in the country since 2014.
México: Centro de Registro en Tapachula, Chiapas
La Comisión Mexicana de Ayuda a Refugiados (COMAR) en coordinación con autoridades locales y apoyo de ACNUR, incrementó en los últimos años su capacidad de respuesta para brindar atención a personas en necesidad de protección internacional, que aumentó progresivamente desde 2014.
Also available in English: Mexico: Registration Centre in Tapachula, Chiapas
Costa Rica: Mejoras en el proceso de registro y documentación
Costa Rica experimentó en los últimos años un incremento significativo en el número de solicitudes de estatuto de refugiado. En el 2020, Costa Rica acogió a 121.983 personas de interés, de las cuales 9.613 son refugiados y 89.770 son solicitantes de refugio pendientes de resolución.
Also available in English: Improvements in the registration and documentation process
Costa Rica: Improvements in the registration and documentation process
In recent years, Costa Rica has experienced a significant increase in the number of asylum applications. In 2020, Costa Rica welcomed 121,983 persons of concern, of which 9,613 received refugee status while 89,770 are applicants awaiting decision on their asylum applications.
Ecuador: Mejorando la gestión electrónica de casos a través de ProGres v4
Con el objeto de establecer procedimientos más eficientes que ayuden a mejorar el proceso de toma de decisiones, la Dirección de Protección Internacional (DPIN) del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Movilidad Humana con el Alto Comisionada de Naciones Unidas para los Refugiados han venido desarrollando el proyecto de…
Also available in English: Improving Electronic Case Management through ProGres v4 system
Ecuador: Improving electronic case management through ProGres v4 system
In order to establish efficient procedures and improve its decision-making process, the Directorate of International Protection (DPIN) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Human Mobility together with UNHCR developed a project “Strengthening Administrative Processes for refugee status determination (RSD) in Ecuador”. One of the immediate aspects to be strengthened as part of this project was Ecuador’s electronic case registration and case management system.