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Results for: Tools & Guidance

Türkiye: Information Portal for Refugees

Recognizing the need for increased access to information among refugee communities, RSN and RRT launched the Information Portal for Refugees, developed for the purpose of offering free, accurate and up-to-date legal information for those seeking asylum in Türkiye.

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1. Establecer programas de cooperación Sur-Sur con al menos 5 países de la región con el objetivo de desarrollar herramientas de protección y de procedimientos de determinación de la condición de refugiado con altos estándares internacionales, a más tardar durante el año 2021. 2. Extender las...

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New UNHCR Paper on Effective Processing of Asylum Applications

There have been numerous challenges faced by national asylum systems over the past several years. The number of asylum applications has been consistently high, leading to increased pressures on the systems and mounting backlogs. Even in 2020, despite a historic drop in applications due to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and related restrictions, there were still almost 1.3 million individual asylum applications received in national asylum systems.

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