In 2020, RSN and RRT launched the Information Platform for Lawyers, which provides access to various materials and resources relevant for lawyers, advocates, and rights defenders.
Türkiye: Information Portal for Refugees
Recognizing the need for increased access to information among refugee communities, RSN and RRT launched the Information Portal for Refugees, developed for the purpose of offering free, accurate and up-to-date legal information for those seeking asylum in Türkiye.
Nigeria’s Justice Development & Peace Commission: Provision of legal aid on appeal
In Nigeria, the Eligibility Committee is responsible for matters relating to the determination of refugee status in the first instance under the National Commission for Refugee Act, 2004 (NCFR Act). In addition, the NCFR Act established the Refugee Appeal Board which acts as the second instance quasi-judicial body and hears appeals against the decisions of the Eligibility Committee.
Kenya: Refugee consortium of Kenya’s asylum support and legal aid representation
Established in 1998, the Refugee Consortium of Kenya (RCK) is a legal aid organisation whose mission is to safeguard and protect the rights and dignity of asylum-seekers, refugees, and host-communities through provision of legal aid, psychosocial support, advocacy, capacity strengthening and promotion of inclusive governance.
Office of the Public Defender of Georgia
Monitoring of refugee status determination procedures/individual cases and court hearings/individual cases of rejected asylum seekers; To continue monitoring of refugee status determination procedures/individual cases and court hearing/individual cases in order to handle individual complaints and...
European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE)
Promoting compliance with asylum legislation through research and legal support; ECRE provides thorough and authoritative analysis of EU asylum law with a particular focus on the implementation and reform of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS) as part of the Asylum Information Database...
Danish Refugee Council
DRC support to the Asylum Capacity Support Group mechanism- contributing with a two-pronged approach to strengthening of asylum procedures; DRC commits to the objectives of the GCR and hereby pledge our support to the Asylum Capacity Support Group (ACSG) mechanism with the objective of...