Mechanism for early warning and emergency preparedness or mass influx of refugees and migrants established; The Republic of Serbia has established a system of coordination for the regular preparation and updating of the Response Plan in the event of a massive influx of refugees. The plan is updated regularly, depending on the situation along major routes and the situation in the countries of origin. The plan consists of a strategic part, concrete measures and actions, including the competent authorities and the financial and other resources necessary for its implementation. Such a response plan specifies in particular the mechanisms for providing accommodation, food, clothing and footwear, health and social services, education, possible status solutions and human resources for its implementation. In addition, minimum rules for training and communication have been agreed. All this is done taking into account international and national human rights regulations, the security situation (especially the state of health), the specific needs and problems of the local population, and the principles of responsible, sustainable and efficient spending of resources and resources.