
Year: 2019
Type: Technical
Contributors: States

1. Expediting and streamlining processing of refugee status applications, by reducing the backlog of applications through the restructuring of internal processes and the increase in human resources, as well as the development of technical tools and continuous training plans for public officials at all levels; Reduction of the backlog through establishing and improving internal processes as well as increased human resources to assist individual cases.   Also, additional capacity building, technical tools and materials will be required to strengthen the capacity of national and local officers in processing asylum claims. 

2. Optimize the Registration System and the implementation of biometrics to ensure the Registration System (TRE) can guarantee the confidentiality of information, can improve the production of statistical data and can also be used by different authorized public institutions; Improve the existing government registration system (TRE) in order to facilitate the use and sharing of information between specific authorized public entities, ensuring the adequate use and confidentiality of information. The existing system will be enhanced by adding additional values to obtain improved statistical information (in benefit of the protection situation of refugees and asylum seekers and for the development of different programmes). 

3. Ensure access to territory and increase the reception capacity for receiving refugee status applications, by strengthening institutional capacity to identify, refer and assist persons with international protection needs, and by increasing ONPAR’s presence in strategic areas of the country for immediate and timely response to international protection applications; Strengthen the institutional capacity for the identification and referral of persons with international protection needs. Expand presence of ONPAR in strategic locations and border regions, improve reception conditions and mechanisms for processing asylum claims.  

4. Consolidate comprehensive protection response for people with international protection needs, to ensure the dissemination of useful information on existing programs and services, opportunities for inclusion of vulnerable population, employment alternatives and income generation activities for refugees; Conduct mapping of existing programmes and services, to ensure that basic needs for refugees and asylum seekers can be met, prioritizing vulnerable persons.  Provide information to Persons of Concern on services available   Strengthen referral mechanisms for inclusion of vulnerable population in social programmes.