Advance development and fulfillment of pledges on asylum capacity

The Global Compact on Refugees relies on pledges and commitments by States and diverse stakeholders to advance its objectives.
In this regard, the Asylum Capacity Support Group (ACSG) has been and will continue to assist States and stakeholders with preparations for the Global Refugee Forum on asylum capacity pledges. The ACSG will offer guidance and assistance in formulating and prioritizing pledges including on joint and pre-matched commitments, as well as share good practice examples of pledges and initiatives supporting asylum capacity. The aim of this support is to ensure the development of high-quality, multi-stakeholder pledges and guide engagement on asylum capacity issues.
Following the submission of pledges, the ACSG will facilitate the process of matching of State requests for asylum capacity support with offers of support, in line with the criteria outlined in the ACSG Guide to Working Modalities. Information on pledges, be they offers for support or requests, and the support provided by matched entities will be reported on the ACSG Portal.
As per the process established on tracking progress, all GRF pledging entities are periodically requested to provide pledge implementation updates. For tracking ACSG specific achievements, matched entities are encouraged to share periodic updates highlighting good practices and assessing impact to be featured on the ACSG Portal and discussed through the dialogue platform.
Looking ahead, the dialogue platform will continue its critical role in the lead up to the High-Level Officials Meeting 2025, coordinating activities and fostering collaboration among all pledging entities, and sustaining the momentum required to achieve ACSG objectives in strengthening asylum capacity.
GRF pledging guidance: asylum capacity
Read the pledging guidance and contribute to the development of concrete and impactful pledges to strengthen asylum capacity as part of the Global Refugee Forum 2023.
Multistakeholder pledge: asylum capacity
In preparation for the Global Refugee Forum 2023, States and various stakeholders contributed to the ‘Asylum Capacity – Asylum Capacity Support Group (ACSG)’ multi-stakeholder pledge. Find out more.
Submit a pledge
Submit or update your pledge to advance the Global Compact on Refugees by using the online form available on the Global Compact on Refugees Digital Platform.
Global Refugee Forum 2023
The Global Refugee Forum 2023 took place between 13-15 December in Geneva, with advance events on 12 December. For additional details regarding the event, visit the UNHCR portal.
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